Monday, November 4, 2013

First Post

Welcome to my new blog! I like to call this place my own little corner of the internet. I'm not sure what I'll be sharing here, but I want to give it a try. I want to try sharing my life, connecting with others, and hopefully inspiring somebody. If nothing else, I hope this to be a place to document some of the amazing changes in my life, especially with the growth of my little girl, who I'm going to call RG.

Pittsburgh - Our view from less than half a
mile from our house
RG is currently 10 weeks old and the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She amazes me every day with the things she does. For example, last night she was laying in the pack n play staring a stuffed dragonfly. I'm watching her watch the dragonfly when she moves her arm towards it... then hits it... then opens her fist and closes it, getting the wing in her hand. She continues to bat the dragonfly and opening and closing her hand. The coordination just to direct her arm towards this animal is amazing. Watching her actually open and close her hand (which is normally balled in a tight fist) was astounding. And wonderful. My little girl grows each day.

A little about me- I attended the University of Pittsburgh and graduated with honors with a B.S. in Neuroscience and minor in Chemistry. I planned on continuing on to graduate school but eventually chose to delay that, knowing that my husband and I wanted kids in the nearish future and I wanted to stay at home if I could.

Celebrating our three year anniversary
and the upcoming birth of our baby
My husband and I got married a little over three years ago in 2010. We had an absolutely beautiful wedding and so far a great marriage. I love him to pieces and I know we are great for each other.

Right before our little girl was due, my husband was offered a job in Delaware. We accepted the job but told them we couldn't move until after the baby was born, so our girl was born in Pittsburgh, PA and then eight days later we moved. Luckily, my parents live an hour and a half away from his new job, so we ended up moving in with them since we just didn't have time to look for a new place. We're still living with them and my husband just has an awful commute for the time being. We are working on saving up money and hope to start looking for a house of our own in the spring.

Since life has started to settle down and I'm becoming accustomed to being a mom, I'm trying to get back into some of the stuff I enjoy- hence, the start of this blog. I love to craft- especially crocheting, sewing, and cross-stitching. I'm almost done with a cross stitch for the baby, I just need to finish the outlining and then the name and date in the middle :) I would love to learn how to knit and quilt. I had an etsy store up until about a month before the baby came and we started packing up our house. I hope to open it again sometime soon- and maybe with some new baby items! :-D
RG at 2 Months

I also like to bake, and sometimes cook. Biscotti is my personal specialty.

Please feel free to follow me as I start this new journey in life.

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